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Since its founding, Love Blue Inc. has operated not just as an ocean advocacy organization but as a mission deeply rooted in faith and divine guidance.

Founder and CEO AJ Caruso believes that God placed this calling on his heart in 2019, during a pivotal moment in his life. AJ was at a crossroads, unsure of his purpose, when he sat on the beach one night, praying for direction. In that stillness, he felt God calling him to protect the oceans, though the full meaning of this mission took time to unfold. That moment marked the beginning of Love Blue and the spiritual journey that has guided the organization ever since.

The Bible speaks to humanity’s role as stewards of the earth. In Genesis 1:28, God says, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” This charge calls us to care for the world around us, including the oceans and the life within them. Psalm 8:6-8 echoes this divine responsibility: “You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.” These verses remind us that we are caretakers of God’s creation.

For AJ, this stewardship became personal after witnessing the pollution crisis on the beaches of Wildwood, New Jersey. Memorial Day weekend in 2019 left hundreds of pounds of trash scattered across the shorelines, and AJ, inspired by efforts like those of 4ocean, felt God calling him to take action. What began as small, informal beach cleanups with friends became a regular effort, known as “Sunday Service,” as AJ committed to God’s call. With each cleanup, AJ felt guided by his faith, knowing that this mission was about more than just environmental action—it was spiritual stewardship.

Over the years, AJ has experienced God’s guidance in every decision, relationship, and partnership. This divine presence is felt not only by AJ but by the entire Love Blue executive team, each of whom has their own story of faith and growth within the organization.

One of the most powerful testaments to this journey is that of Nick Olson, now President of Love Blue Inc. Like AJ, Nick came to Love Blue at a low point in his life. As a college student struggling with bad habits, Nick initially joined the organization simply to fulfill community service hours. But as he became more involved, helping with the Stockton University Chapter and getting to know AJ and former Stockton Chapter President Sean Lavender, Nick began to fall in love with the mission. After Sean graduated, Nick took over as chapter president, despite inheriting a fledgling club that needed a lot of work. Through dedication and faith, Nick grew the chapter, leading cleanups and raising awareness on campus and in Atlantic City.

As Nick and AJ spent more time together, their friendship deepened, and Nick began to feel God’s presence more strongly in his life. His faith became intertwined with his work at Love Blue, and he found a sense of purpose he had never felt before. Now, as the President of Love Blue Inc., Nick has built a solid foundation for the Stockton Chapter, which enjoys full support from the university. The chapter has grown to include both students and community members, and they even have a dedicated equipment shed on their beach campus—a model for all future university chapters. Nick’s journey from struggling college student to nonprofit president, along with his close friendship with AJ (who served as his best man), is a testament to how faith in God and hard work can transform lives.

Ryan Lombardi, a newer member of the executive team, has also found his faith strengthened through his time with Love Blue. When Ryan joined the organization a year ago, he didn’t fully understand his faith. But after spending time with AJ and hearing the personal testaments of both AJ and Nick, Ryan began to see and feel God’s presence in his own life. His faith has since grown stronger, and he now understands how vital his role in the organization is. Ryan believes deeply in the mission, knowing that Love Blue is called to be the guardians of our oceans, a responsibility given by God.

The team’s collective experiences have confirmed their belief that this mission is divinely guided. As Pastor Dranada Summons of Refuge of Mount Olive once emphasized after a beach cleanup, the name “Love Blue” reflects God’s love. People of all backgrounds come together in unity, setting aside differences to work for the betterment of humanity and the world—a true reflection of God’s message of love and stewardship.

Through their faith, hard work, and dedication, AJ, Nick, Ryan, and the entire Love Blue team continue to follow a path they believe God has set for them. Their work is not just about cleaning beaches or raising awareness; it is about living out their faith as stewards of God’s creation. The divine guidance behind Love Blue ensures that the organization is not just making an impact on the environment, but also helping people come together in unity and love for the world God created.

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As the summer season draws to a close and the school year begins, Love Blue Inc. is more active than ever, building momentum for our mission of protecting the world's oceans through education, advocacy, and direct action. Our community chapters wrapped up summer with impressive cleanup efforts, while our college and university chapters have hit the ground running with remarkable events and initiatives. Here's a look at what we've accomplished and where we’re headed.

Wrapping Up Summer with Impact: Wildwoods Chapters Lead the Way

Our Wildwood and Wildwood Crest chapters capped off the summer with a combined 987 pounds of trash removed from the beaches. The Wildwood Chapter pulled in an impressive 495 pounds, contributing significantly to the preservation of this popular New Jersey destination.

Meanwhile, the Wildwood Crest Chapter saw a major decline in the amount of trash collected, gathering 492 pounds—down from 1,095 pounds last summer. This drop highlights the effectiveness of our sustained community outreach, beach awareness signs, cleanup stations, and partnerships within the community. The reduced litter is a positive sign that our model is working, as locals and visitors alike are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment.

This success reflects our mission in action: fostering community engagement, increasing environmental awareness, and empowering individuals to make meaningful change.

College and University Chapters: A Powerful Start to the School Year

Our college and university chapters are proving to be a driving force behind Love Blue’s mission. This fall, we’ve seen incredible participation, new partnerships, and impactful events across multiple campuses.

- Coastal Carolina University Chapter kicked off the year with a wave of enthusiasm, signing up 200 members during organization kickoff day. The chapter partnered with the CCU Women’s Lacrosse team and other Greek life clubs for a beach cleanup on August 22. Additional partnerships, including one with the CCU Surf Club, have led to consistent cleanups, with over 100 pounds of trash already removed from Myrtle Beach this semester. The chapter's efforts have gained media attention, with local news interviewing two executive team members about Love Blue’s mission and its ocean conservation initiatives.

- The Florida Gulf Coast University Chapter made an immediate impact with its first beach cleanup, gathering 50 volunteers who removed 70 pounds of trash. This event set the tone for what promises to be an environmentally active semester.

- Stockton University Chapter started the academic year with a beach cleanup attended by 35 volunteers, collecting 20 pounds of waste. Their efforts highlight the consistent engagement of our chapters in New Jersey.

- Monmouth University Chapter is preparing for its first beach cleanup of the year on September 21 at Deal Beach, New Jersey. Their dedication to preserving local shorelines is a vital part of our broader mission.

- The Rowan University Chapter is gearing up for its first events, and we’re excited to see how they will further the mission in southern New Jersey.

- Our Chicago Chapter is making strides in developing community connections, with their first cleanup scheduled in partnership with **Motorola Solutions Company** this Friday. This chapter represents a new frontier for Love Blue, tapping into urban environmentalism and expanding our reach beyond coastal communities.

- The Maui Chapter held a two-day cleanup on September 7 and 8, where 68 volunteers removed 250 pounds of debris from Kanaha Beach Park in Kahului. Their dedication is crucial to protecting Hawaii’s delicate ecosystems.

Developing Chapters and Expanding Reach

We’re also thrilled to announce the expansion of Love Blue into new areas:

- Flagler College will soon have its own chapter, spearheaded by a member of the Wildwood Crest Beach Patrol (WCBP) who was inspired after working with our CEO, AJ Caruso, & learning about Love Blue over the summer.

- Cape May, NJ has officially appointed an officer to lead its chapter, with future cleanups and outreach events already in the works.

Executive Team Updates: Laying the Groundwork for Growth

Our executive team has been hard at work ensuring that Love Blue Inc. continues to grow and impact communities across the nation. Key developments include:

- The creation of a Monthly Donor Program for individuals and businesses, providing new ways for supporters to get involved and help sustain our mission.

- Website updates are underway to better engage our community and showcase the impact of our chapters nationwide.

- Weekly meetings with chapter leaders are keeping everyone connected, fostering collaboration, and laying the groundwork for a successful school year.

- The introduction of the new Love Blue Starter Kits will supply each chapter with the tools they need to succeed.

- We’ve begun shipping the trash collected in Wildwood Crest this summer to TerraCycle for transformation into an art sculpture—a powerful reminder of the waste we remove from our beaches and the creative ways we can repurpose it.

- Our executive team is already planning cleanups, networking events, and fundraising efforts for 2025, ensuring that Love Blue remains at the forefront of ocean conservation.

Looking Ahead

With the summer behind us and the school year well underway, Love Blue Inc. is positioned for continued growth and success. Our mission to protect the world’s oceans is being embraced by new communities, students, and businesses alike. We are excited to see the impact of our university chapters, the continued effectiveness of our community outreach, and the many more opportunities on the horizon.

As we look ahead to the coming months, we’re eager to strengthen our partnerships, expand our donor base, and plan for even more impactful events in 2025. Together, we are making waves and changing the future of ocean conservation.

Let’s keep the momentum going!

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In a monumental moment for the Love Blue Inc. family, the organization has expanded its mission to the Hawaiian islands with the establishment of Love Blue Maui, marking a powerful step forward in protecting the world’s oceans. As one of the planet’s most biodiverse regions and sitting near the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Hawaii holds a crucial role in the health of the ocean and, by extension, the world’s climate. Love Blue Maui’s inaugural beach cleanup on September 7th and 8th, 2024, at Kanaha Beach Park in Kahului, was not just an event, but a movement that solidified the organization’s presence as the ocean's protectors in Hawaii.

The island of Maui is home to an incredible diversity of marine life, including sea turtles, monk seals, humpback whales, and vibrant coral reefs. These species don’t just contribute to the beauty of the islands—they play an integral role in maintaining the balance of the ocean’s ecosystem. As the controller of the climate, the ocean’s health determines the future of the planet, and in the face of increasing pollution and environmental degradation, Love Blue Inc. has answered the call to protect it for generations to come.

Founded by co-presidents Cameron Tsuhako and Raven Bugtong, along with their dedicated team, Love Blue Maui is more than a community chapter of Love Blue Inc.—it’s a guardian of Hawaii’s waters. On September 7th, 2024, they made history with the first official Love Blue beach cleanup ever held in Hawaii. Volunteers, local students, and key community members gathered for a two-day event at Kanaha Beach Park, coming together to make a difference.

Cleanup Stats:

- Saturday’s Efforts: 20 volunteers cleared debris from the beach, removing 75 pounds of waste from the shore.

- Sunday’s Efforts: 48 volunteers cleared 175 pounds of waste, making significant strides in keeping Maui’s beaches clean.

Throughout the event, Cameron and Raven educated participants on the significance of Love Blue’s mission and why establishing a chapter in Maui was so vital. Cameron passionately shared a powerful Hawaiian proverb:

“Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘āina i ka pono” – “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.”

This sentiment captures the essence of their work, grounded in the Hawaiian concept of kūleana—a deep sense of responsibility to protect the land and waters.

"Our personal motto is ‘Where kūleana is at the heart of what we do,’" Cameron explained, emphasizing that this responsibility is not just a task, but a calling for every volunteer and supporter of the movement.

Love Blue Maui’s cleanup efforts were made possible through the collaboration of several local organizations, including the Maui High School Key Club, Baldwin High School Key Club, King Kekaulike’s Key Club, and members of the Kiwanis Club of Maui. Their combined efforts showcased the power of community in preserving the environment.

As we reflect on the success of this groundbreaking cleanup, Love Blue Maui extends its deepest gratitude to all the organizations and volunteers who made this moment possible. The work we’ve done together is just the beginning. We are committed to safeguarding Hawaii’s marine life, beaches, and the vast ocean beyond, protecting them for the future.

Love Blue Inc.’s expansion into Hawaii is a testament to our continued dedication as Guardians of the Ocean. We are here to protect and preserve these precious waters for generations to come. This is our responsibility. This is our kūleana.

To get involved or learn more about Love Blue Maui’s future initiatives, follow us on Instagram @lovebluemaui, or visit our Linktree at Love Blue Maui Linktree.

Together, we are the ocean’s guardians. Together, we will make a difference.

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